Bertrandite, also known as Tiffany, goes by various names such as opalescent fluorite, opal fluorite, ice cream opalite, and violet opal.
Discovered near Nantes, France, in 1880, Alexis Damour described it and gave it the name in 1883, in honor of mining engineer Emile Bertrand.
Comprising beryllium, quartz, chalcedony, opal, manganese oxide, this unique stone is the result of complex volcanic conditions.
Initially mined as a supplement to beryllium mining, bertrandite remains relatively rare, bestowing a limited history upon this captivating gem.
Mines: Brazil, the USA, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Namibia.
Bertrandite, often referred to as Tiffany, offers versatile health benefits:
⚠ Please note that all healing properties presented for gemstones are gathered from various sources. This information is provided as a service and is not intended to treat medical conditions. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for serious medical issues and not to rely solely on gemstones as a treatment.