⚠ Important Notice:
Our workshop will be closed from Tuesday, October 8, 2024, until November 2, 2024, inclusive. If you place an order during this period, we will begin working on it only after our reopening date, which is November 3, 2024. For any inquiries, feel free to contact us at:
Welcome to this dedicated exploration page. Here, you will find a selection of extraordinary jewelry, unique pieces, and personalized creations that have been requested by our clients. If any of the sold jewelry has captivated you or inspired you, do not hesitate to contact me to discuss the possibility of creating a similar piece in the same style.
Additionally, if you have a design that you have drawn and would like to see it come to life as a piece of jewelry, I would be delighted to discuss the possibility of making it for you. You can contact me at the following address: